Saturday, December 4, 2010

Ready for new waters

It is Saturday morning in the sun bay marine (is that for sure every where!) in Fajardo, Puerto Rico and we are getting ready to go to St. Thomas in the American Virgin Islands.

After the last chapter in this story we went for a few days to Culebra (now all the swimmers will be jealous, because in one bay I went snorkeling and saw 4 sea turtles!!!!! fantastic), and then with some pretty rough waves back to the mainland. 

We have been working hard on the boat, the water pump from the port motor was leaking, so we installed a new one, the real Jacques and Ria way. Jacques was hanging half over the open space where the motor is and I perched in a small corner to shine the light. We both were sweating and stinking, it would have been a nice little film about how to perceive closeness in a marriage!!!!!!!! 

Jacques's comments during these situations are always coming out as questions: "how the f... can a designer put a screw over there?" (but then in dutch) and even after 46 years and the knowledge he does not expect an answer, I am trying to come up with a somewhat technical response. "If you could shine the light where  my hands are!!" I cannot see his hands because I am crouched half behind him, but somehow it works and after half an hour the new pump is installed and does not leak. We climb backwards out of the space and the thing ends as always with a big hi-five! So we are doing just fine.

Then of course a lot of shopping, I never really liked grocery shopping, but now I officially hate it! We bought new carpet for the cabin and installed it, looks really good, a new toilet, will be installed on the road and a new boats hook, the other one wanted to be a flying fish and sailed over board. So the last cleanup and in 2 or 3 hours we will be on the road again, very good feeling.

Have all a good time and talk to you later, Ria

1 comment:

  1. Those fun, tense Van Heijningen DIY moments, I remember them fondly...

    Glad to read you're having a great time!
