Friday, April 23, 2010

Boat visit, the sailboat without a mast

On Culebra we spotted a sailboat without a mast and were of course very curious about what could have happened. On Culebrita the very same boat was anchored right next to us. Mark saw that the man was fishing and subtly swam over and asked what fish he caught and what had a happened to their mast. He also invited them over for a beer. Since we had had thirsty Dutch people over the evening before, we did not have an abundance of drinks left, and therefore hoped they would not be that thirsty. 

They were retired Canadian military (=very young) relocating to the homecountry of the Captain, St. Lucia. The mast had broken during a storm in the Bahamas. In addition to this mishap they had also lost three anchors on the way and now had a very sturdy anchor. Since this anchor was very heavy the last thing that broke was their anchor chain…. They where hoping to get a new mast on St. Croix and they had to pick travel days with low wind. They had been on the way for about two years.


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